The Memories of Ramadhan

Quick one after the Iftar.

1. Did you remember your the first Ramadhan that you fasted when you were a little kid?
I do remember the first Ramadhan that I fasted completely, the whole 30 days. I was in standard 3. All of us still in Sabah. Before that, I only remember the “Puasa sekerat Hari” term.

2. Did you remember getting rewards (read bribes) each day you fast? The smaller you age was, the bigger the reward would be?
During my day, I only got 1 ringgit per day. Not bad actually. Hj. Lazim the one who came up with the offer that Mat Apih and me cannot refuse. Mok Ra too offered to us the same. That is why I fasted for the first time completely the whole month that Ramadhan. Another reward, I can choose whatever I want if my parents bring me in the pasar Ramadhan. Weird thing was, me and Mat Apih will choose cool drink only. Anything else never tempted us. At the end, we end up full with water before can even touch the other food.
Long time after that, it was like not cool if you go to school without fasting. Ustaz and friends will make fun of you. That was not good, to be insulted in front of the people, girls especially, so I must fast. Hahaha

3. Did you remember sneaking to the tap to sip some water to reduce the thirst? (or maybe i was alone in this?)
Never done that.

4. Did you remember sleeping the whole evening because you have drained your energy, maybe because of not waking up for the sahur.
Always. I will wake up if Hj. Lazim ask me to do something. z.B paras kelapa muda. (Fear Factor)

5. Did you remember playing at the back of the shof while the older praying the tarawikh at the front rows?
During senior year in Faris Petra. If there was no warden around, it is our lucky day. The best thing was just after imam finished recite the doa, we ran like forest gump to the dinning hall.

6. And being scolded by the elders for making a lot noise?
During junior year in Faris Petra. Not elders but the senior.

7. And only join the prayer when the imam was nearly going to ruku’?
We always did that. Like Naziha said, our family always go to Masjid besar Kubang Kerian to pray the Tarawikh. The Imam will recite one juzuk per night. Total Rakaat is 20. So you imagine how long we must stand. The best way tho skip it is to join in during Ruku`. By the way Naziha taught us this trick.

8. And said aloud solawat to the Nabi Muhammad SAW competing against each other for which group is the loudest group?
Faris Petra and Masjid Kadok Dalam.

9. And you heart being attacked while we were praying tarawikh by the id**ts who were playing firecrackers outside the masjid? (or maybe i was alone again because I never like firecrakers)
I didn’t really remember. But I remember get scolded by Haji Lazim because still play the firecracker after he forbid us to play. I think I know who inform him, but I don’t want to say. Water under the bridge. Hahaha

10. Did you remember eating those delicious moreh?
Moreh?. What the hell is that? hahahahh. After six years, can u blame me?

Katakanlah: “Terangkan kepadaku, sekiranya sumber air kamu menjadi kering, maka siapakah (selain Allah) yang akan mendatangkan air yang sentiasa terpancar mengalir bagimu?”
Surah Al Mulk Ayat ke 30

Yang Benar,

Hafzan Lazim.

The Memories of Ramadhan

1. Did you remember your the first Ramadhan that you fasted when you were a little kid?

2. Did you remember getting rewards (read bribes) each day you fast? The smaller you age was, the bigger the reward would be?

3. Did you remember sneaking to the tap to sip some water to reduce the thirst? (or maybe i was alone in this?)

4. Did you remember sleeping the whole evening because you have drained your energy, maybe because of not waking up for the sahur.

5. Did you remember playing at the back of the shof while the older praying the tarawikh at the front rows?

6. And being scolded by the elders for making a lot noise?

7. And only join the prayer when the imam was nearly going to ruku’?

8. And said aloud solawat to the Nabi Muhammad SAW competing against each other for which group is the loudest group?

9. And you heart being attacked while we were praying tarawikh by the id**ts who were playing firecrackers outside the masjid? (or maybe i was alone again because I never like firecrakers)

10. Did you remember eating those delicious moreh?


Let’s enjoy this educational program. I hope it will refresh our memories about the ramadhan when we was a tiny and innocent little crying boy/girl.. and also be a reminder for us for this ramadhan.

Adam world – Ramadan Mubarak

This muslim’s video reminds me of the old seseme’s street.. huhuhu

Above all of those questions, I wonder whether our fasting has improved each year we meet Ramadhan?

credit to Suhaimi for giving me the brilliant idea of putting those tiny little icons.