The Last Hope

We are the last hope of the human race..

The members of 6 Pintar among the Standard Six pupils..

We are special compared to the others. The GPS of the school somehow heavily depends on us because we concur the red marks. We promise that we will make some surprises or at the very least, minimise the casualty by passing the grades. Insyaallah

Petikan Gambus

Petikan gambus
memecah keheningan sukma
dentingnya menyusuk segenap juzuk jasad
keheningan angin Hadramaut
membawa layar ke ufuk semenanjung emas
lalu terdiam dalam tingkah marwas

Penuh takzim
ia datang menitah watikah takzim
bergema dalam watikah penuh santun
menjejak kalimah paling suci
begitu kasih semangat berjuang
tangkas bergerak melingkar buana

Demi melata kasih kudus Ilahi
teruslah menghayun selangkah tari
dalam rentak menyusur alam

Mahallah Ali, UIAM

picture: credit to warid kot.. huhuhu