Hail the II

Kemas-kini 26.07.08, 9:00 am waktu Malaysia.

Setelah berbincang dikalangan ahli keluarga dan bertanyakan penasihat agama keluarga, Ustaz Hj. Khairul Anuar Yazid, saudara Hafiz dan saudari Maziati telah bersetuju menamakan anak kedua mereka Hail Ariff bin Mohd Hafiz. Keputusan tersebut adalah muktamad

Hail Ariff dan ibunya masih lagi berada di Hospital. Hail Ariff telah menghidap sakit kuning sama seperti abangnya ketika baru lahir.

Haji Lazim dan Hjh Zainab telah tiba di Kuala Lumpur semalam untuk melawat cucu kedua mereka.

Hjh Aminah Mat Akib ketika dihubungi, juga telah melahirkan rasa kesyukuran dan gembira di atas kelahiran cicit ketiganya. Hj Nor bin Said tidak dapat dihubungi kerana beliau tiada di rumah. Beliau keluar ke Pekan untuk membeli durian untuk dijamu kepada cucunya, Azfan yang pulang bercuti.

Hail Afiq masih seperti biasa, bermain tanpa menghiraukan berita gembira ini. Ketika dihubungi Hail Afiq masih lagi tidur akibat keletihan. Neneknya telah membelikannya sebuah kapal terbang. Dia bermain dengan raliknya sehingga kelewat malam. Mungkin dia masih lagi tidak mengetahui bahawa dia telah mempunyai seorang adik lelaki.

Alhamdulillah syukur kepada Allah S.W.T kerana mengurniakan kepada kita nikmat yang tidak terhitung banyaknya. Dan kemudian nikmat Tuhan yang manakah telah kita dustakan?


Hafzan Lazim


Kemas-kini 23.07.08, 6:25 PM waktu Malaysia.

Adik kepada Hail Afiq @ Hail The II masih belum lagi dinamakan. Ibu dan anak berada dalam keadaan yang sihat dan masih lagi berada di hospital.

Cadangan yang telah terkumpul:

Hj. Lazim @ Hjh. Zainab – Hail Aliff
Naziha – Hail Azim
Che Sue – Hail Iman
Hafzan – Hail Aziz


Hafzan Lazim.


Pos Asal 22.7.2008 2:30 AM Waktu Malaysia

Saudari Maziati Mazlan telah selamat melahirkan bayi ke-2 pada 1:30 pagi 22.7.2008 besamaan 19 Rejab 1429. Bayi lelaki yang dilahirkan adalah seberat 3.5 kg. Ibu dan bayi berada dalam keadaan sihat dan sejahtera. Cuma bapanya, Hafiz Lazim kurang sihat akibat tergeliat di pegelangan kaki.

Nama bayi tersebut masih belum diberi. Sebarang cadangan dari saudara-saudari dan kawan-kawan semua sangatlah dihargai.


Hafzan Lazim.

al-maghrib @ Itasca, IL

Saya sgt suka join kelas al-maghrib. sbbnya saya akan belajar dgn banyak sekali spnjang hari minggu itu. Kali ini saya belajar hadith 40 dri Imam Nawawi. Oleh kerana kelas ini hanyalah satu weekend, jadi kami hanya sempat belajar beberapa hadith sahaja. Kami bertolak dri Vandy agak lmbat kerana ada kawan yg kelasnya petang. 4 kereta yg dua kereta budak2 lelaki dan 2 kereta budak2 perempuan. Road trip sgt best, as always. and minyak juga agak mahal sekarang. Di US ni harga minyak tidak diselaraskan. Jadi sepanjang lebuhraya sy tgk harga dari semurah 3.5+ hinggalah 4.5+. Rangenya agak besar.

ok jadinya kami smpai di itasca dlm pukul 5 pg. tido ala kadar di bilik hotel yg disumbat 8 org, dlm kol 10 bertolak ke westin hotel tmpat kelas al maghrib dianjurkan. kelas kali ini diajar oleh dua org instructor. Imam Shuhaib Webb dan Syeikh Yasir Qadhi. Sabtunya Imam Suhaib Webb. Dia pilih hadith2 dri separuh pertama koleksi hadith Imam Nawawi. Oh oh Imam Suhaib ni pandai cakap melayuuu. sgt istimewa ok. sbbnya dia kawin ngn org melayu somewhere in Kg Kerinchi. Kelakar yet full of wisdom. Dia dr Oklahoma, sambung study kat Al- Azhar after found the truth in Islam. Hebat lah. Yasir Qadhi pon tak kurang. macam biasalah cakap petah cam pidato2 tp baling lah soalan ape pon, lancar je jwb.

Istimewanya Al-Maghrib, halfway through de akan ada satu session for sisters with the instructor. semua brothers diarahkan keluar. So sisters bebas nak tanya apa2 pon dkt syeikh2 ni. Suke2.

Malam sabtu, kami pegi jalan2 kat bndar chicago tp malangnya tak bley berhenti amek2 gambar sbb tak dpt cari tempat untuk parking kereta. Oh wow kami juga discover bnda yg sangat awesome dgn kereta yg kami sewa! kami cam main la tekan2 butang yg ada kat kereta utk tahu ape yg dia actually buat. Eventually tekan butang yg ada kat mirror and tiba2 radio senyap. Semua da cuak. And dengar ringing dri radio. macam call org. Kami saling berpandangan and Nik selaku driver bertauliah cepat2 tekan butang tu balik. and radio kembali berkumandang. fuh lega. kring2 dia bunyi lagi. alamak. “Hi is everything alright there?” “oh yeah, we’re sorry. everything is fine”. Fuh gile canggih kereta nih. Ada butang mintak2 tolong. Haha. Kami akhirnya amek keputusan mencari kedai makan Penang utk menjamu selera. kenyang bangat makan cendol and malaysian food!

Byk bnda yg dpt dr kelas ni. Tapi ape yg saya nak kongsi satu cerita yg diceritakan syeikh Yaser Qadhi.

There were two men yg hidup zaman dolu2 la. Sorang ni yg righteous and baik gile la and sorang ni sinner yg melampau2. So everytime the righteous man meet the sinner, he will always gives him advice. Stop doing your sin blablabla. So one day, when the sinner met the righteous, he asked,” arent you tired advising me? blablabla ( de cam marah la org alim tuh ). At one point, the righteous man was so angry that he said “Allah will never forgive you for your sins.” TUUUUUUUT. sungguh berbisa ayat tu. sbb at that point also Allah said who do you think you are to say that? Having doubt in Allah’s mercy? All the man’s good deeds vanished. just like that. sbbnye dlm hati de ada secebis arrogance. he feels that he is better than the sinner. fuh kesimpulan jagalah lidah anda before it’s too late.

The best part, dpt makan kfc HALAL. Chicago oh Chicago. I love you.

p/s: Tahniah Kak Atie and Abe Apih!

Enjoying summer,


ICNA-MAS Convention, Key to Peace and Happiness.

The convention was great. It was seriously a blast. And I make a new conclusion, Muslim-Americans are beautiful and handsome! haha.. yeah i know it sounds gatal but it’s a fact man. 2 years old kid running around wearing white jubah and kopiah keep on flashing at the back of my head. Make me reflect how Malaysians proudly put on Spiderman outfit to their kids. How irony!

Nashville, TN – Charlotte, NC – Hartford, CT. Flight was long, thanks oya n watip for sending us to airport. Ke’slumber’an and ke’berani’an are very crucial when u wanna travel to “know-nothing” place, this is what Azni and I learnt. So after a few dramas, we finally arrived at the hotel.

Thousand of Muslims happened to be in the Hartford Convention Center. Seriously sangat super cool okey. We can see Arabs, Pakistani, Americans mixed up together for only one purspose, seeking Allah’s redha. And they have bazaar too. I met this family who sells Islamic books and they asked if we’re from Malaysia.

Pakcik : Are you from Malaysia?

Me: oh yeah, how do you know?

Pakcik: its obvious. You look like real Malaysian. (Apparently org ckp Azni mcm Ashwarya rai). I studied there, UIA. You’re from which state?

Me: Emm Kelantan. (dgn expression bangga)

Pakcik: Oh wow. So you’re PAS? We need to really be careful with them, they are from kelantan.(smbil gelak2 ckp kat his wife). I have a lot of Kelantanese friends. They are awesome.

Me: haha, this is so interesting. So did you follow wats happening in Malaysia now? Anwar’s case and stuff? (make me a bit ashamed of the unstable political situation in Malaysia)

Pakcik: yeah, I have a pretty good source. The sodomy case, and all the opposition party is really have the power now.

Me: Oh well Malaysia is well known for that now. Ok then, we need to go. (nak lari cepat2 before things going worst) Nice to meet you both. Salam.

Any comments? Even my supervisor in library asking me about how politics in Malaysia. Oh people said politic is dirty, isnt it?

Syeikh Mokhtar Mograoui. He had this special sessions called “Pursuit of Happiness”. MasyaAllah I learned a lot. Jazakallahu khairan kathira Syeikh! I am amazed how he relates physics and science, making analogy about the relationship with Allah using Mathematics. Who is actually this man? So i googled him and you know what, he holds a dual doctorate in Physics and Electrical Engineering from Syracuse University in New York. MasyaAllah hebat melampau neh! Haha sy neh physics 116A pon merangkak, ilmu agama langsung tak hebat. Ashamed on me! This is only one of them that I know since I followed his session. Not yet mentioning Yasir Qadhi, Yusuf Estes, Imam Sirraj Wahhaj and the list goes on.

This is Baba Ali. Famous in Youtube. (you guys need to watch his vid. awesomelah.) He’s a convert if i’m not mistaken. And a lot of famous syeikh that I mentioned before is a convert. They are lots better than we who are actually born in this religion. Why? Think think.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday moves so fast. Sunday afternoon, the convention came to an end. Since our flight will be on the next morning, we decided to walk around Hartford. Small city with nice people. A makcik who was on the road driving, stopped her car and asked if we ever need any help taking the picture. Oh wow. Baik nak mati Americans, polite, and susah nak jumpa people like this in Malaysia.

So we went back safely, Hartford-Chicago-Nashville (walaupon da bosan kena tanya ngn org airport, “Would you be able to take your scarf off? aiyaa kitorg bukan pengganas pon! “. On top all of that, this is a trip to be remembered. Really!

p/s: will be going to Itasca, Illanois this weekend for Al-Maghrib class. Syeikh Yasir Qadhi tuu. Road trip, 4 cars from Vandy. Cant wait! =)

Hip hip, off I go

My summer vacation starts tomorrow. There will be nine of us going to the trip. Insyaallah, we are going to visit seven countries in the southern Europe. It will be a very looong trip, which will take nearly a month. I am not sure how I am going to survive, but I will sort it out somehow.

Plymouth > London > Madrid > Cordoba > Sevilla > Granada > Barcelona > Rome > Pisa > Florence > Venice > Milan > Zurich > Vienna > Prague > Budapest > Bucharest > Budapest > London > Plymouth. I can hardly say all of the places in one breath. huhuhu

Bye-bye Marjon, bye-bye Plymouth, bye-bye my dissertation (for a while) and bye-bye my fan blog. huhuhu.. Pry for my safety and the blessing from God. I would like to ask the forgiveness if I have done something wrong to my parents, my grand teacher, my teachers, my siblings, friends and all. We can plan, but He is the greatest planner.

Can you spot the difference?

This is a part of conversation that Ciksu and I had in YM just now.

Ciksu: your nenek. hehe

Ciksu sent me this picture through YM share photos

Paih: huhuhu

Paih: xperasan saya

Paih: tgk dah dlm blog ciksu

Paih: kurang perhati

Paih: huhuhu

Ciksu: dlm blog takdak mek

Paih: oh

This is the picture that I saw earlier in her blog.

After looking at these pictures, I kept on smiling to my beloved grandmother and myself, credit to Ciksu for the twin pictures. huhuhu

Small school with a big heart III

After being at the school for few weeks, it was the time when we have to say good bye to the school. That was it. It was not that sad really T-T. It sounds as though we were not going to be in any school any more. HELLO.. you are teachers to be, and teachers are always associated with schools. So, don’t be too much carried away like you are going to retire tomorrow morning! However, that is the true colour of a teacher, full with love and passion to the students, school and most importantly, the teaching profession. huhuhu T-T

Goodbye my school..

So, what have I learned from the school visit? It is mainly about the looking at the organization of the school, learning about classroom management, obtaining bit of subject knowledge here and there, comparing the school to the Malaysian classroom, linking the theory and practice, and appreciating the values that the school tries to portray and many more. All of these are actually interrelated with each other, like melody and song; one can stand without other’s help.

like melody and song.. my classroom..

However, the tasks that were given to us during the school visit were not accessed. Therefore some of us including me may take the learning part for granted. Yeah, it is typical us: the product of exam (assessment) oriented system. Learning only occurs if we are to be assessed. Thanks to the Malaysian education system. huhuhu

My friends who went to the same school as I did had organised a special party to celebrate whatever we wanted to celebrate with respect to the school visit. Yeah, eating was the main part of party and cholesterol was the main part of the menu, we couldn’t really resist it. huhuhu

Energetic and dedicated chefs

Cheesy roasted chicken with mushroom and breadcrumb, sambal belacan and food salad.

Still smiling although I was hungry like a wolf.. huhuhu

Chocolate ice cream, trifle cake and pancake with golden syrup for the dessert.. huhuhu

The other part of the party was about shopping buying books in a group on-line. We could save the postage cost if it was bought more than certain amount of money. However, we ended up not buying anything, due to the effect of the amount of food that we had consumed. Maybe we will do the shopping in the future.

Congratulation to my cousin as he has jumped into this profession as well.. This video is specially dedicated to  my cousin, as a teacher to be, other teachers to be, all my beloved teachers and teachers who read this post. huhuhu..