25m concrete pole.

“Bilo jah lori tu terbalik, drebar tu ado duk luar doh” eye witness.

“Jange sekali-kali gostan lori bilo ado muatan berat”  Truck expert.

“I am just about to quit, but I never give up” the Driver.

“Shit happen. Luckily everybody is fine” the Boss.

The Chasis

Checking the Chasis

The heavy load, 25m concrete poles and the heavy duty driver.

Rescue arrived

Back to normal.

Kids, sometime you are just lucky because you never did experience what other people have experienced. I didn’t deny that you worked hard to be what you are today. But I do believe younger generation who read this blog already live a comfortable life before taste their success. Never in your life, have you kept on fighting blood and teeth to provide half plate rice. You wake up and just turn on the light and then again keep on moaning maybe about high school love crap. Just be grateful that you are not the one crab fisherman in Alaska.

Hafzan Lazim


  1. MA ...SZB said,

    April 12, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    Pengalaman mengajar erti kehidupan……

  2. Noor said,

    April 12, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    Abah jange kijo kuat2 sgt…

  3. Cik Dah said,

    April 15, 2011 at 3:34 pm

    Tak tau nak kata,

  4. Noor said,

    April 22, 2011 at 11:36 am

    haha baru perasan, comey no plat lori?

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